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Найдено всего: 10

    2021 год

    Статья в журнале

  1. Алиева А.К.,Nasibulina B.M., Kurochkina T.F Retrospective analysis and current state of walleye stocks and fishery on the Dagestan coast of the Caspian Sea // IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.— 2021.— март.— Vol. 699, No. 1 Iss. 012053 DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/699/1/012053
  2. Tatarintsev S. A., Barmin A. N., Valov M. V., Kolchin E. A. and Shuvaev N. S. Geoecological Risk Assessment Methods of Anthropogenic Risks Occurrence in Aridic Territories // Earth and Environmental Sciens .— 2021.— P. 1-6 DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/688/1/012018
  3. Attaala Muhaysin Ali, Mohammed Awadh Algurabi,Nasibulina B.M., Kurochkina T.F New records of some fishes from Hadhramout coast, Gulf of Aden, Yemen // Iranian Society of Ichthyology.— 2021.— август.— Vol. 3.— P. 189-203 DOI 10.22034/iji.v8i3.564
  4. Alieva А.К., Насибулина Б.М., Abdusamadov T.A.,Курочкина Т.Ф., Guseynov A.D Retrospective analysis and current state of walleye stocks and fishery on the Dagestan coast of the Caspian Sea // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.— 2021.— P. 2-9 DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/699/1/012053
  5. Alieva А.К., Nasibulina B.M., Abdusamadov T.A., Kurochkina T . F ., Guseynov A.D Retrospective analysis and current state of walleye stocks and fishery on the Dagestan coast of the Caspian Sea // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.— 2021.— P. 2-9 DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/699/1/012053
  6. Shima Bakhshalizadeh., Nasibulina B.M., Kurochkina T.F., Attaala Muhaysin Ali., Sodagar M., Zykov L.A Spatial variability in strontium to calcium in the Caspian Sea: Recognition of starry sturgeon stocks from the pectoral fin spine chemistry // Caspian Journal of Environmental sciences.— 2021
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