1. Современные тенденции в государственном управлении
  2. Региональная специфика и российский опыт развития бизнеса и экономики
  3. Региональная специфика и российский опыт развития бизнеса и экономики
  4. 6) Международная научная конференция «Society against terrorism», которая была организована факультетом права Пан-Европейского университета в г. Братислава (23-24 октября 2014) с темой доклада «Правовые аспекты борьбы с терроризмом в РФ»
  5. The program «Certificate in Global Business and Commercial Law» The College of Central Europe (School of Business & Technology) at COCEEU Summer school 2014 in Brno, Czech Republic ( 2nd -27th of June 2014)
    Brno, Czech Republic
  6. International Scientific Conference «Current Issues of Science and Research in the Global World», held in Vienna (Wien), Austria, and was organized by Faculty of law, Pan-European University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic (27th-28th May 2014) with topic «About Developments of New Conventions in the Russian Federation»
    Vienna (Wien), Austria
  7. V Международная научная конференция «Региональная специфика и российский опыт развития бизнеса и экономики»
  8. International Scientific Conference «Current Issues of Pre-trial Criminal Procedure» («Aktuálne problémy pripravného konania trestného») which was organized by Faculty of law, Pan-European University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic (April 2014) with topic «About Introduction of a new Form of Inquest in the Russian Federation»
    Bratislava, Slovak Republic
  9. International Scientific Conference «The Milestones of Law in the Area of Central Europe 2014» which was held in Casta-Papiernicka, Slovak Republic (27th-29th March 2014) with topic «Criminal liability for the violations of electoral rights of citizens in the Russian Federation»
    Casta-Papiernicka, Slovak Republic
  10. International Scientific Conference «Complex systems security management 2014» was organized by Department of social sciences and languages Armed forces Academy of Gen. M.R. Stefánik in Liptovský Mikulás, Slovak Republic (24th-28th February 2014) with topic «Social Code as legal security arrangements in the Russian Federation"
    Liptovský Mikulás, Slovak Republic
  11. International Scientific Conference «R 2013 na Slovensku výsledky, dosledky a buducnosť which was organized by faculty of social sciences at University Sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, Slovak Republic (13 February 2014) with topic «Election observers and their role in protecting electoral rights of citizens in the Russian Federation»;
    Trnava, Slovakia